How To Bulk Add UTM Parameters To  Google Ads? (Updated 2022)

UTM Parameters

Urchin Tracking Module, also known as UTM, is a straightforward, dependable way to monitor online traffic and the effectiveness of any digital marketing campaign.

UTM parameters, also known as UTM codes (short text codes/tags), are used to track the effectiveness of campaigns and web pages by adding them to URLs or links.

This article teaches you how to bulk add UTM parameters to Google ads and track the results in Google Analytics.

More To Explore:

How To Add Utm Tracking In Your Google Ads?

Step 1: Open your Google Ads account

Step 2: Click on the campaign tab

Step 3: Choose the campaign you want to monitor.

Step 4: After that, select more settings by clicking on Settings.

Step 5: Click on campaign URL options

Step 6: Now set the final suffix to

UTM Parameters

Where To Find UTM Tracking Code Results Data In Google Analytics Universal Properties?

  • Navigate to
  • Then select Acquisition
  • Click on the Campaigns and select All Campaigns.
  • You can select Source/Medium as the Primary dimension.
  • Check out the User Traffic screenshot.

How To Set Up Account Level UTM Parameters?

Turning on the account-level click identifier is the first step. Because of the clicks within your AdWords accounts, you can now generate UTM parameters automatically. Click ID under Settings > Manage Conversions > Conversion Tracking to do this. Select the option to make the conversion tracking feature active after that. Next, go to Settings > Campaigns & Websites > Custom Parameters > Create new parameter. Enter the name of the campaign-level parameter in the Name field. Enter the campaign-level UTM parameter’s value in the Value field. Finally, select whether the parameter should be applied to all ads or just certain categories of ads.

Read Next:


Where can I make UTM links?

By using the Campaign URL builder, you can create UTM links. This tool allows you to measure custom campaigns in Google analytics and easily add campaign parameters to URLs.

Is Google Analytics free to use?

Small businesses can use Google analytics services without paying monthly fees because the Standard version of Google Analytics is free.
There is a monthly fee for the GA360 premium version of Google Analytics, which you must pay if you want more services and advanced features.

How does UTM work?

UTM stands for Urchin Tracking Module Codes are short text codes added to the end of the URL that help to track the website traffic if the user clicks a link to this URL

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